What actually happens when you lose or gain weight?

Every living organism, including the human body, needs energy to be able to exist and function normally. We provide ourselves the energy needs and the necessary substances for life by processing the foods we eat.

The energy needs of the body can be conditionally divided into two parts.
The first part - which covers the basic metabolism when our body is at rest - breathing, maintaining body temperature, regeneration and growth, normal functioning of all organs and systems in the human body.
The second part - this is the energy that is spent to cover the additional drain of the body when performing any physical action or work.
The energy for maintaining the basic metabolism is relatively constant, while the energy for movement or work depends on the particular action, the energy needed by the body to do it. The hard work of the brain or the mental work also requires extra energy and should not be neglected, although it is practically very difficult to measure.

The sum of both gives the energy balance of the body /caloric balance/.

When you take food/energy equal to your energy/caloric balance, the body weight remains constant, you neither lose nor gain weight -all the energy you have taken from food goes to cover the daily needs.

When you take more energy than your caloric balans- the body weight increases – the organism uses one part of the extra energy for growth/muscles and the other/the greater one stores in the body as body and subcutaneous fat.

When you take less energy than your caloric balance - the weight of your body decreases - the energy coming from food is insufficient to cover the difference, the body turns to its energy reserves accumulated as fat, “burns” - processes them turning them into energy.

To reduce your weight you should take energy from food less than your daily caloric balance.

To increase your weight you should take energy from food more than your daily caloric balance.

These conclusions come from the fundamental energy conservation law and they cannot be circumvented or “cheated” in any way whatsoever, as much as we would like that.

If you are looking to increase the muscle mass or the maximum protection of the existing one in a period of weight reduction it is necessary to workout. Muscle growth requires not only proper dietary regimen but also proper workout such that stimulates the body to further develop your muscles.

When you workout in a period of weight loss, the body greatly limits the degree of its muscle decomposition for energy, “protects” them, redirects the acquisition of energy deficiency to the processing of subcutaneous fat.

What energy deficiency or surplus to achieve?

MAKE-DIET recommends the surplus/in growth or the deficiency /in weight reduction to not be more than 20-25% percent of your caloric balance.

This moderate changeof your daily caloric intake will provide you easier adjustment when changing your current dietary regimen and will greatly prevent your metabolism from slowing down - effect which occurs very quickly if you suddenly reduce your daily energy intake.
You lose weight for a few days and then the process stops.
The moderate reduction of energy intake is generally a solution to this problem.

When you want muscle growth, an increase of the energy intake by about 20 -25 % will guarantee that most of the gained weight will be muscle, not fat. Of course here the appropriate training plan is mandatory to achieve this effect.

MAKE-DIET allows you to determine your caloric goal/energy from food that you take for the day, but we believe that if you stick to the goals recommended by us, you will achieve a more sustainable and balanced result.

MAKE DIET can help you control the processes that you want.

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