
Food composition data is an adapted version of USDA./U.S.Department of Agriculture

Errors may occur when transferring or adapting these data.

The recommended by us daily intakes of vitamins and minerals, as well as calorie intake, are average values of US and European Health Regulators.

You should keep in mind that there are other biologically active substances in foods that have a significant effect on your health.

No part of the available information can be considered as a medical prescription or any kind of treatment.

If you have an illness for which you are seeking therapy or want to influence your health favorably through your diet, you should contact a specialist who, based on your medical diagnosis, your current condition, your personal circumstances, your diagnosis, the medications you are taking, additional studies and data will advise you on the diet that is right for you.

Our computer system cannot take into account all your individual peculiarities.

Our computer system and models do not have medical expertise / Qualification, knowledge, experience /

The diet recommended by a doctor may differ significantly from those generated by our computer system. The doctor can provide you with more accurate and updated information than is available to us, including co-formulating or prescribing a diet with different goals, values.

Make-diet is a computer system that, based on available and reported food data, and average values​​of regulatory targets, generates sample daily menus. These are computer models.

These generated computer models / menus / may contain errors of any kind.

In this sense, Make-diet is not responsible for damages caused by the use of information posted on the site and the system-generated daily menus and recommended purposes.

In this sense, dietary patterns generated are for informational purposes only, cannot be used for specific treatment or as a prescription for impact.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should keep in mind that our system does not take into account your condition and it would be appropriate to ignore any information in the form of a diet created by our computer model or other opinion on the impact of food

If you are under 18 years of age you should keep in mind that the system does not take into account the specific needs of adolescents and the generated information in the form of the computer-preferred diet-generated by the authors will be inappropriate for adapting to you.

Our computer-generated diets, specific food articles, or any other information from the authors are personal opinions about lifestyle, a computer model, can not be considered prescriptions for any type of treatment or impact on your health.

The decision to follow the generated or posted diets, menus or recommendations is entirely your responsibility.

If you decide to follow our computer models, although it will be your personal responsibility, please consult your actions with your doctor.

In any case, you should consult a doctor to have up-to-date, accurate information and diet suitable for you.

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