The management of the proportion between proteins, fats and carbohydrates taken from food is very important for achieving the best results when you adjust your weight or want to balance your dietary regimen. The proper ratio will help you not only to faster achieve your goals, but also to improve your health status. The ratio of PCF can direct your body to your desired effects-reduction/decrease of subcutaneous fat, muscle growth, better physical and mental tone.

If you take the food simply as energy, without taking in consideration the needs of the body of macronutrients, the achievement of the best possible health results will become an impossible task, moreover - in most cases you will get the opposite effect of what you are looking for. When you follow a dietary regimen based only on the deficiency or surplus of calories you actually lose or gain weight, but if you do not follow the recommended quantities of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, instead of improving your physical and mental health you might actually worsen it. Result like “weak and miserable” is not a good result.

The most common errors in unbalanced diets:

- Exclusion of fat or their great reduction

Yes, fat is the most caloric, the restriction easily reduces the amount of calories taken.
But what happens when you exclude them completely?
You impede the absorption of vitamins important for your health. Vitamins A, D, E, K are fat-soluble, if the body does not receive the needed fat from the food it can hardly absorb it, even if you have included enough sources in your diet.
The continuous compliance with such a dietary regimen will create deficiency in the body with all the consequences resulting from that.
You may worsen your hormonal profile.
The production of sex and other hormones in the organism is influenced by the fat content in the food. The lack of enough fat in men can reduce or suppress the production of testosterone.
While the adherence to the recommended 30-35 percent of the caloric intake can be beneficial to its synthesis in the body and even increase its levels.
If you minimize the intake of fat you will impede in great extend the process of defecalization. Your body will have difficulties voiding what is already unnecessary. Here the ratio between the fat and fiber taken from the food is important. The lack of important omega 3,6,9 fat can adversely affect the function of the brain and heart while the proper and balanced diet can significantly improve your metabolism ... to shift your biological age with years back.

- Insufficient protein intake

Proteins are the basic building material of our bodies. Muscle tissue, internal organs, skin, hair, enzymes, hormones, antibodies - everything is built thanks to the proteins.

The body does not store protein reserves. If you just limit your calories without having to think about the amount of protein, your body will start to decompose some of your muscles to procure the needed proteins.
You will lose a considerable amount of muscle mass, your metabolism will slow down. The processes of regeneration and growth will slow down or become considerably difficult. The result - weak and loose. You will neither like it visually nor will you feel better.
If you want to gain muscle mass - the intake of necessary protein is required ... you cannot simply create muscles without a source, building block for this.
- The strong reduction or elimination of carbohydrates from your diet.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy for the human body. They also participate in the construction of almost all cells, they provide operational supply of energy to the body.
Carbohydrates are important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system, the brain mainly prefers glucose for energy. The strong reduction in carbohydrate intake may lead to a state of hypoglycemia /low glucose/ which is described by weakness, sleepiness, irritability, and in combination with explosive physical activity, even to unconsciousness.
Such dietary regimens are very difficult to follow,
Balancing the intake of PCF ensures that the body can use protein as intended - to build and maintain the muscles with them and not use them for energy.
Most food sources of carbohydrates are at the same time sources of fiber, vitamins, microelements -for example we can point out the fruits and vegetables.. The strong reduction in carbohydrate intake usually leads to a vitamin or mineral deficiency.
Depending on your goals, preferred diet, physical and mental activity, you can choose the best PCF profile account for you:

MAKE-DIET recommends 9 profiles/distributions of PCF
Profiles 45/20/35 and 40/25/35 are practically classic low-carb diets. They are suitable mainly to reduce your body weight/weight loss.
They begin to “work” relatively quickly – you notice the change in your weight only after 2-3 days after the start. After the start of such a regimen / and caloric deficiency, respectively, you rapidly exhaust the operational energy reserves of the body, it is redirected to the processing of subcutaneous fat to make up for the energy deficiency.
They deliver good results even when you have a poor or low physical activity.
Their disadvantage is that they are difficult to observe. Your brain is looking for glucose. Although the body has mechanisms to deal with such a situation you crave for sugar, bread, carbohydrates.
The provision of the recommended daily intake of vitamins, fiber and minerals is hindered. You can hardly train intensively, explosively observing such a regimen. You take more protein than you actually need for the muscle growth and metabolism of the body. Urea level increases.

Profiles 30/40/30, 35/30/25, 40/35/25 are oriented towards a more balanced weight loss, maintenance of your body weight, and if you workout - to increase of “ pure muscle mass”
You can follow similar regimen for a long time, practically indefinitely. The disadvantage is that if you aim at weight loss these profiles “start” slower if you have remedy as recommended in caloric deficiency, sometimes you will need maybe a week before you feel the first results.

Here, you have to comply the appropriate profile with the level of your physical activity and how much you wish to enhance your muscle growth, as well as with your gender. For men it is more appropriate to have around 30 -35% of fat.

The higher your physical activity and intensity of trainings, the more protein you should intake.

The profiles 25/50/25, 15/65/20, 15/65/25 are suitable for maintenance of body weight, as well as for vegetarians

MAKE-DIET will help you model your dietary intake based on your goals, preferences for specific foods, physical activity ... lifestyle. You choose the foods with which we create the desired regimen. The food you love and have. We will make the best combination of them taking into consideration your goals.

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