Cabbage - a good decision when we want to lose weight
(54 voted)
uploaded by: MAKE-DIET
23.12.2016 (viewed: 4126 times)

 Cabbage - a good decision when we want to lose weight

It is difficult to choose what food to include in our daily menu when we want to reduce our subcutaneous fat and lose weight.

It is not easy to combine appropriate energy intake from food, to balance the menu with essential vitamins and minerals and simultaneously feel replete with food.

Cabbage, raw or cooked, is one of the best solutions.

We can eat it as a salad or cooked as a main dish or side dish to meat.

A portion of around 250 g / about 9 oz / cooked cabbage contains only about 58 kilocalories which is insignificant amount compared to the food intake and the recommended energy intake for an adult.

At the same time, such a portion would satiate for several hours.

It would also provide us:

- about 90 mg of Vitamin C which is more than the minimum recommended dose for an adult

- around 4.75 grams of fiber which is about 20% of the minimum recommended dose for an adult

- about 490 mg of potassium, which is around 10% percent of the minimum recommended dose for an adult

- amount of vitamin A, micronutrients.

Compared to the energy which the cabbage contains, it is one of the most vitamin and microelements rich food. It would provide us relatively large amounts of key natural vitamins and microelements contained in a very few energy/calories intake.

If the main purpose when we make diet is calorie / energy deficit of food, the cabbage is one of many appropriate decisions on how to achieve it without being too hungry and not have a deficit of vitamins and microelements.

Fiber contained in it, would help us for healthy peristalsis process.

If we add to it herbs for instance parsley in order to flavour, we would enrich even more our vitamin profile of food intake.

Although there is no tangible evidence of any food that cures cancer, there are a number of authoritative scientific studies which demonstrate significantly reduced risk of certain cancer types who regularly eat vegetables from the Brassicaceae family to which the cabbage belongs to.

This is one more reason to strongly recommend you to add the cabbage to your diet. 

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